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Panel 1: Entrepreneurship and diversity - Do IP rights help or hinder them?
Panel 2: Dissecting the IP awareness disconnect - What is it? Why does it matter?
Panel 3: ‘Digital’ property and web3: Effects of blockchain, crypto, & NFTs on IP & value
Panel 4: Pathways to understanding: IP challenges in China
Keynote Speaker: Tiffany Norwood
Featured Speaker: Jonathan Taplin
key takeawAYS
  • Clear IP rights for the most part help creators and new businesses, including minority entrepreneurs.

  • The disconnect understanding the purpose and value of IP rights is due in large part to the relentless ‘troll’ narrative promoted by some technology businesses and the media.

  • Zeal on the part of U.S. and corporations to access the vast Asian market for their products has helped to encourage an IP rights ‘give-away’ to China, including patents and trade secrets.

  • “Technology leadership drives economic leadership which also drives national security issues [David Teece]”

  • The war in the Ukraine [and lack of transparency in China] has caused a paradigm shift… The global [economic] system is a thing of the past and nations are trying to figure out how they can cooperate in a peaceful and productive way.

  • “IP rights are not only a creator issue, they are an investor issue.”

  • There is a wide diversity of opinion among IP professionals as to the benefits and dangers of blockchain and related digital assets, like crypto currencies and NFTs. It is still unclear to many that they are IP-positive.

  • Digital assets on a distributed ledger are being seen by more creators and investors as inevitable, and as value-enhancing opportunities for IP rights.


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